Dr. Alshazali Issa Hamad, the university vice chancellor chaired the meeting of the deans board held at Martyr/ Ali Gailani compound. Present at the meeting were Dr. Gamar al Dawlah Abdelmutalab , deputy vice chancellor , Dr. Issa Omer the university principal , the secretary of scientific affairs Dr. Alnazeer Abdallah and board members. The meeting discussed external examiners reports and recommendations for the last five years for faculties that graduated students . Prof. alshazali thanked the deans of faculties for the enormous work done which was encouraged with incentives from the university administration. Prof. Hamad announced that an incentive of Ls. 15000 will be paid to Dr. Alsamani Mohammad Alghali , dean of faculty of administrative sciences and Ustaza / Rawa Noah of the faculty of law and promised other incentives. Prof. Mohammad Alamin KIber called on all faculties to apply the quality , evaluation and accreditation standards for a better graduate capable of building the country and serving the community.