Chairman: samani Ahmed Abdul Muttalib

Chairman Message

Higher education is the first pillar in the progress and well-being of the human being. It aims at developing society, optimizing the use of resources, good management, increasing production and promoting cultural, social and economic concepts through the development, dissemination and application of knowledge through scientific and technological research and research in the social , medical, engineering…. fields . Sudan recognizes  the urgent need for scientific and technological development in order to catch up with the world, to benefit from the scientific and technological revolution under the new international order and free trade, for all these reasons  the University Council, to achieve these lofty goals and plans for each planning scientifically accurate academic, financial and administrative programs of the University, and to achieve a scientific breakthrough contribute to an active contribution to the renaissance of the Sudanese nation and well-being

Personal information


Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed Abd Elmutalib

(Samani A. Talab)

Field of specialization

Computer Science

Mailing address

P.O. Box 12702, Khartoum, Sudan

Telephone No.

00249-999931210 (Day Time)

00249-912341965 (Home)

00249-912131210 (Mobile)

00249-122407361 (Mobile)










Tabat, Al-Gazira State, Sudan, Sep. 20,1965



Family Status  

Married, two children (1M & 1F)


Career goal


Ongoing excellence as a researcher and educator in Computer Science.


Arabic (Mother Tongue), English



 Aug 1998 – June 2001

PhD Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ E-Learning algorithms ”.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

May 1993 – Nov. 1995

M.Sc. Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ computerized System for statistical evaluation of students results” .

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

Nov 1984 – Nov. 1989

B.Sc. (Honor) Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Computing Skills:


E-learning Package




  • Microsoft Office Suite, Internet Explorer.
  • Paint Shop Pro, Dream weaver.
  • several e-mail packages.

Programming Langages


  • C & C++, Visual c++, Visual, C#.
  • Pascal, Java, Prolog, Visual basic,
  • PHP, ASP, Oracle ,Ada.

Operating Systems

  • Linux, Unix, All Window & MS DOS versions

XML technologies


Academic Position



Apr 2015– to Now

Professor of computer science, Faculty of Computer Science and IT., AL-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Jan 2012– Apr 2015

Academic Secretary, Professor of computer science academic affairs secretariat, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

July 2008– Jan 2012

Dean, Associate Professor of computer science Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 2005– July 2008

Assistant professorAL-Neelain University, Sudan

Aug 2002 – Nov 2005

Dean founder, Faculty of Computer Science and IT.

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1998 – July 2002

Director Computer and information Center

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1997 – Nov 1998

Head of the Department of Computer Science

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1995 – Dec 1997

Lecturer of Computer Science, Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan

June 1993 – Nov 1995

During my M.Sc. Part time Lecturer, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

Dec 1990 – May 1993

Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science

Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan



1- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and Samani. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part I".

[2] Samani A. Talab, A.H. Ahmed and M.M. Saeed "numerical analysis ". .

[3] Samani A. Talab “Operating system concept” open university of Sudan.

[4] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science I” 4th year  Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[5] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science II” 5th year Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[6] Samani A. Talab “Data structure & algorithms” open university of Sudan.

[7] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science” 3rd year secondary school, Ministry of Education.




2- Journals

a-after  Professor

[1] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "

Comparative study between workflow tools Case study: Arabdox workflow and Bizagi express"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 3, Issue 4 (November 2013) PP: 09-17.

[2] Alwalid Bashier Gism Elseed Ahmed, Anas Ali Ballah Ali, Samani A. Talab " Matching User Preferences with Learning Objects in Model Based on Semantic Web Ontologies"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 4, Issue 3 (August 2014) PP: 09-17.

[3] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "The Role of Processes Re-Engineering and Workflow In The Transformation Of E-Government "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 10|| (October 2013)

[4] Foriaa Ahmed Elbasheer, Samani A. Talab "Forecasting Budget Estimated Using Time-Series ", Intelligent Information Management, 2014, 6, 142-148, Published Online May 2014 in SciRes.


[5] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " Performance Promoting Using E - management "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 12|| (December 2013)

[6] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " E-Management: Configuration, Functions and Role in Improving Performance of Arab Institutions and Organization ", International Journal of Computer Applications (p-ISSN: 0975 – 8887) Volume 80 – No.6, (October 2013)

[7] ABD ELZIZ HASSAN KHARSANI, SAMANI A. TALAB and AWAD H. ALI " MODERN HIGH-EFFICIENCY AUTOMATIC CATEGORIZATION ALGORITHM FOR ARABIC CORPUS ", International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN 2278-9960, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2013, 137-152 ,© IASET

[8] Mozamel M. Saeed1, Samani A. Talab " The role of E-learning in facing the challenges of the century ", Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 ISSN: 2319-5967 ISO 9001:2008 Certified

[9] Nasir M. Ali Yousif, Ahmed Talab, Eltyeb E. Abed Elgabar, Samani A. Talab " Critical Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation in Sudan ", IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 3, Issue 3,June 2014, ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420


[10] Razi O. Mohammed, Samani A. Talab " Clinical Data Warehouse Issues and Challenges ", International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology Vol.7, No.5 (2014), pp.251-262

[11] Haytham Ahmed, Samani A. Talab " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130

[12] أياد محمد مهيوب غالبالسماني عبدالمطلب احمد "إستخدام تقنيات تنقيب البيانات لكشف التطفل في شبكات الحاسوب ", مجلة جامعة الناصر مجلة علمية محكمة- نصف سنويه -تصدرها جامعةالناصر، العدد الرابع يونيو-ديسمبر 2014م

ISSN 2307-7662

[13] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Comparison of Information Hiding by LSB Using Arithmetical Sequence on different image Format ", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2015,   ISSN (Online) 2278-1021  ,      ISSN (Print) 2319-5940

       DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2015.44133

[14] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130


[15] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Gafar Zen A. Salh, Abdelmajid H. Mansour " A Spatial Domain Image Steganography Technique Based on Pseudorandom Permutation Substitution Method using Tree and Linked List ",  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015, ISSN: 2231 -5381

[16] Hythem Hashim, Ahmed A. Talab,Ali Satty,and Samani A.Talab



2- Journals

b-after Associate Professor

[1] Mustafa ElGili, Samani A. Talab, Awad H. Ali " WEP and WPA Improvement   " Wireless Sensor Network, Published Online March 2010

[2] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, The Technical Feasibility and Security of E-Voting,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Jordan, July 28, 2011

[3] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, E-Voting Systems Vulnerabilities, International Journal of Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management , IJNCM, KOREA

[4] السماني عبدالمطلب احمد، منير عبدالله سيف " نظام دعم قرار لتقدير المقبوضان والمدفوعات بواسطة السلاسل الزمنية" المجلة العربية الدولية للمعلوماتية، السعودية، يناير 2012

[5] Samani A. Talab and A. A. Shamog "Quality Standards, Information Systems and The Extent of The Discrepancy in the Evaluation from User to Other in Sudan " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.9, Sep(2009).

[6] Samani A. Talab and M. Zakriya A. Ammar “Security Protection Against Possible Dangers on Computer Networks: An Analytic-Survey Study” Arab Journal for Security studiesIssue No.56, Vol.28, Nov./Dec (2012). Published by: Naif Arab University for Security Sciences – Riyadh.

    ISSN 1241 - 1319

[7] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali " Using GIS in Urban expansion– Khartoum State " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.11, Jan(2013).

[8] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali تطبيق مفاهيم الاستنباط المكاني باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وجوجل ايرث في بناء خريطة ثلاثية الأبعاد – بالتطبيق علي ولاية الخرطوم " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.15, Vol.11, Jan(2012). ACCEPTANCE LETTER

[9] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali تطوير قاعدة البيانات لاختبارات المواد والتربة للاستخدام كمواد لرصف الطرق " Red Sea University Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[10] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).




[11] S. A. Talab  and A. A. A/Rahman “comparison between WEB Servers (closed and open source) ” Scientific Journal for commerce and Economic & Social Studies, Biannual Periodical, Scientific & Refereed, Issue No.2, Vol.1, June(2012).

   ISSN 1858 – 6376.

[12] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali تحليل وتصميم البيئة الإلكترونية للمؤسسات التعليمية " White Nile for science and technology Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[13] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali Readiness of countries for E-learning and the economic and social benefits expected with special reference to the experience of the Sudanese " AL-Gadarif  University for science and Arts Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[14] M.M. Saeed ,Samani A. Talab and Mammdouh M. Moh. استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في اثر الطرق علي الحوادث المرورية (دراسة حالة منطقة الخرطوم وسط " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.17, Vol.11, ACCEPTANCE LETTER Dec(2012).

[15] Samani A. Talab and Huthaifa A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Oct(2012).




Under Publication


1- Papers

[1] A.H. Ahmed, S. A. Talab  and O. Tag “Evaluation of E-banking Service in sudan”

[2] S. A. Talab “Using  Computer Concepts to Enhance and Transform the Role of  Education”


2- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "computer science II" 6th year Basic school, sudan,

[2] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part II".

[3] S. A. Talab "Advance Data Structures and Algorithms with C++".


Supervision of


[1] Ayad Mohammed Mahyoub Ghaleb, Field (Data Mining), Aug 2012.

[2] Huthaifa Abdelkarim Ali Ellatif, Field (E- management), Dec 2012.

[3] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2012.

[4] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Field (E- Voting.), Jan 2012

[5] Abubaker Elrazi Osman Mohammed Ahmed, Field (MEDICAL DECISION MAKING), Sep 2011.

[6] Mohammed Yahia Beillow Adam  Field(Digital Image Processing), June 2011.

[7] Tarig  O. FadL Elseed Abdalla , Field(E-concepts), June 2011

[8] Bassam Z. Ibrahim, Field (Software Eng), 2011.

[9] Thoyba A. Haj Ali, Field (GIS), Dec 2012.

[10] Faisal M. Nafie Ali, Field (E-concepts), Jan 2011.

[11] Monnair A/Alla Saif , Field (Decision S. System), Dec 2010.


Supervision of MSc


  1. By Research

[1] Mohammed J. Younis, Field (LIS), 2010.

[2] Oday Obaid Hassoon, Field (Steganography), May 2009

[3] Zakkria A. Ammar, Field (Networks), Aug 2011.

[4] yasir N. Elsaed, Field(E-concepts), June 2009

[5] Modther A. Ibrahim, Field (E-Learning), May 2007

[6] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2007.

[7] Nassir M. Ali, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[8] Alla  A. Shamog, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[9] Omer E. Mohammed, Field(E-concepts), June 2006

[10] Mohammed K. Suleiman, Field (AIS), 2005.

[11] Bassam Z. Ibrahim Field (LIS), 2005.

[12] Sohail Bin Mustafa Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[13] Sharfi Mustafa Abbas, Field (E-concepts), 2004.

2-By Courses   (Sample)

[1] Mubark A. Adam, Field (Data Structure), 2005.

[2] Haitham E. Ali, Field (E-Government), 2005.

[3] Eltayeb S. Gabar, Field (Steganography), 2005.

[4] Gafar Z.Salih, Field (Image Recognition), 2005.

[5] A/Majid H. Mansour, Field (E-Learning), 2005.

[6] Majzoob K. Omer, Field (E-Learning),2005

[7] Ali Osman Mohamed, Field (AI), 2005.

[8] Fahkr A. Mohammed, Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[9] Amin M. Al-Amin, Field (WEB Design),2005.

[10] Osama A. Dafalla, Field (Search Engine), 2006.

[11] Ahmed B.Hassan, Field (Genetic Algorithm),2007.

[12] A/Rahman A.A/Rahman, Field (E- Learning), 2007.

[13] El-Hadi S. El-Hadi, Field (E- Learning), 2007.


Current  Activities & Research

  • using  computer concepts to enhance and transform the role of education e.g. E-learning,  E-education, Security, Multimedia


  • Teaching various modules on


  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Tools and Concepts in Programming.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Computer Graphics.
  • Database Systems.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Computer simulation & Modeling.
  • Operating system.
  • Data mining.
  • E-concepts.


At MSc./BSc. Level, Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum Sudan.


  • Supervising BSc/MSc students’ projects in Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan.


  • Programming with


  • PHP.
  • ASP.
  • Oracle
  • VC++.Net
  • gnu C++ in Linux environment.


üResearch Interests

  • Computer Graphics.
  • Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Programming Languages for Teaching.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms Teaching and learning.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Information systems
  • Data mining.
  • Genetic Algorithm.



Academic Activities

[1] Chair of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2014- to Now, Sudan.

[2] Member of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2000- to 2014, Sudan.

[3] Member of the committee for the admission to the MSc program in Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, 2002 to Now,Sudan

[4] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of IT & IS, PortSudan Ahlia College, 2006, Sudan.

[5] Member of Faculty of Education Council, University of Ash Sharq (1995-1997), Sudan.

[6] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate (1997-2005)

[7] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate Academic Advisory Committee (1998-2005)

[8] Member of Post Graduate Council, Al-Neelain University (2003-2005)

[9] Member of the Committee which Designed the Degree Structure for Department of Computer Science, Red Sea University, 2004, Sudan.

[10] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Gaddarif University, 2006, Sudan.

[11] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information system, Guran Al-Karim University, 2006, Sudan.

[12] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 2002, Sudan.

[13] External examiner for MSc thesis (University of Khartoum, Sudan Of Science & Technology, Gazira

[14] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum, 2011, Sudan.

[15] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2005, Sudan.

[16] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2004, Sudan.

[17] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2006, Sudan.

[18] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2005, Sudan.

[19] Internal examiner for MSc thesis, Al-Neelain University, Sudan

[20] Faculty advisor for the computer studies. Ash-Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 1997 to now Now, Sudan.

[21] Chair of the Award Committee. Dept. of Computer Science ,White Nile College, 2002 to Now, Sudan

[22] Reference letters for several candidates applying to various positions in Computer Sci.


Software Development Experience

[1] Designed and developed of the well known  system SES (Students Evaluation System) which is common in almost all universities. e.g.

  • University of Al-Neelain.
  • Ash Sharq Ahlia College.
  • University of Gaddarif.
  • University of Kassala.
  • University of Sinnar.
  • University of Shandi.
  • WHITE NILE University
  • Red Sea University
  • PortSudan Ahlia College

  Role: Designer and Developer,

      Development Tools/Environment: FoxPro, DOS/Windows98.

[2] Design and Programming of the simulator system which determined the current curve of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[3] Design and Programming of E-Exam system of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[4] Systems Analyst, programmer and supervision  of implementing computerized system in many organizations in Sudan.



[1] 2nd International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (e-learning Africa), 28-30 May,2007, Nairobi, Kenya.

[2] International Education & Information Conference, 18th – 20th May,2005, Organized by Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Amman, Jordan.

[3] International Conference on Scientific Research   Outlook in he Arab World and The New Millennium : Science & Technology, 24-26 April,2000, Organized by The University of Sharjah, UAE.

Academic References

[1] Professor Awad Haj Ali Ahmed
Department of Computer Science
University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan


[2] Professor Izzeldin Mohammed Osman
Department of Computer Science
Sudan University Of Science & Technology ,

Khartoum, Sudan


[3] Professor Izzeldin K. Amin

   Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan

[4] Dr Mohsin H.A. Hashim 
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan

Chairman: samani Ahmed Abdul Muttalib

Chairman Message

Higher education is the first pillar in the progress and well-being of the human being. It aims at developing society, optimizing the use of resources, good management, increasing production and promoting cultural, social and economic concepts through the development, dissemination and application of knowledge through scientific and technological research and research in the social , medical, engineering…. fields . Sudan recognizes  the urgent need for scientific and technological development in order to catch up with the world, to benefit from the scientific and technological revolution under the new international order and free trade, for all these reasons  the University Council, to achieve these lofty goals and plans for each planning scientifically accurate academic, financial and administrative programs of the University, and to achieve a scientific breakthrough contribute to an active contribution to the renaissance of the Sudanese nation and well-being

Personal information


Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed Abd Elmutalib

(Samani A. Talab)

Field of specialization

Computer Science

Mailing address

P.O. Box 12702, Khartoum, Sudan

Telephone No.

00249-999931210 (Day Time)

00249-912341965 (Home)

00249-912131210 (Mobile)

00249-122407361 (Mobile)










Tabat, Al-Gazira State, Sudan, Sep. 20,1965



Family Status  

Married, two children (1M & 1F)


Career goal


Ongoing excellence as a researcher and educator in Computer Science.


Arabic (Mother Tongue), English



 Aug 1998 – June 2001

PhD Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ E-Learning algorithms ”.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

May 1993 – Nov. 1995

M.Sc. Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ computerized System for statistical evaluation of students results” .

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

Nov 1984 – Nov. 1989

B.Sc. (Honor) Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Computing Skills:


E-learning Package




  • Microsoft Office Suite, Internet Explorer.
  • Paint Shop Pro, Dream weaver.
  • several e-mail packages.

Programming Langages


  • C & C++, Visual c++, Visual, C#.
  • Pascal, Java, Prolog, Visual basic,
  • PHP, ASP, Oracle ,Ada.

Operating Systems

  • Linux, Unix, All Window & MS DOS versions

XML technologies


Academic Position



Apr 2015– to Now

Professor of computer science, Faculty of Computer Science and IT., AL-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Jan 2012– Apr 2015

Academic Secretary, Professor of computer science academic affairs secretariat, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

July 2008– Jan 2012

Dean, Associate Professor of computer science Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 2005– July 2008

Assistant professorAL-Neelain University, Sudan

Aug 2002 – Nov 2005

Dean founder, Faculty of Computer Science and IT.

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1998 – July 2002

Director Computer and information Center

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1997 – Nov 1998

Head of the Department of Computer Science

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1995 – Dec 1997

Lecturer of Computer Science, Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan

June 1993 – Nov 1995

During my M.Sc. Part time Lecturer, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

Dec 1990 – May 1993

Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science

Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan



1- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and Samani. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part I".

[2] Samani A. Talab, A.H. Ahmed and M.M. Saeed "numerical analysis ". .

[3] Samani A. Talab “Operating system concept” open university of Sudan.

[4] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science I” 4th year  Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[5] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science II” 5th year Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[6] Samani A. Talab “Data structure & algorithms” open university of Sudan.

[7] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science” 3rd year secondary school, Ministry of Education.




2- Journals

a-after  Professor

[1] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "

Comparative study between workflow tools Case study: Arabdox workflow and Bizagi express"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 3, Issue 4 (November 2013) PP: 09-17.

[2] Alwalid Bashier Gism Elseed Ahmed, Anas Ali Ballah Ali, Samani A. Talab " Matching User Preferences with Learning Objects in Model Based on Semantic Web Ontologies"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 4, Issue 3 (August 2014) PP: 09-17.

[3] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "The Role of Processes Re-Engineering and Workflow In The Transformation Of E-Government "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 10|| (October 2013)

[4] Foriaa Ahmed Elbasheer, Samani A. Talab "Forecasting Budget Estimated Using Time-Series ", Intelligent Information Management, 2014, 6, 142-148, Published Online May 2014 in SciRes.


[5] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " Performance Promoting Using E - management "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 12|| (December 2013)

[6] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " E-Management: Configuration, Functions and Role in Improving Performance of Arab Institutions and Organization ", International Journal of Computer Applications (p-ISSN: 0975 – 8887) Volume 80 – No.6, (October 2013)

[7] ABD ELZIZ HASSAN KHARSANI, SAMANI A. TALAB and AWAD H. ALI " MODERN HIGH-EFFICIENCY AUTOMATIC CATEGORIZATION ALGORITHM FOR ARABIC CORPUS ", International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN 2278-9960, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2013, 137-152 ,© IASET

[8] Mozamel M. Saeed1, Samani A. Talab " The role of E-learning in facing the challenges of the century ", Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 ISSN: 2319-5967 ISO 9001:2008 Certified

[9] Nasir M. Ali Yousif, Ahmed Talab, Eltyeb E. Abed Elgabar, Samani A. Talab " Critical Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation in Sudan ", IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 3, Issue 3,June 2014, ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420


[10] Razi O. Mohammed, Samani A. Talab " Clinical Data Warehouse Issues and Challenges ", International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology Vol.7, No.5 (2014), pp.251-262

[11] Haytham Ahmed, Samani A. Talab " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130

[12] أياد محمد مهيوب غالبالسماني عبدالمطلب احمد "إستخدام تقنيات تنقيب البيانات لكشف التطفل في شبكات الحاسوب ", مجلة جامعة الناصر مجلة علمية محكمة- نصف سنويه -تصدرها جامعةالناصر، العدد الرابع يونيو-ديسمبر 2014م

ISSN 2307-7662

[13] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Comparison of Information Hiding by LSB Using Arithmetical Sequence on different image Format ", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2015,   ISSN (Online) 2278-1021  ,      ISSN (Print) 2319-5940

       DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2015.44133

[14] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130


[15] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Gafar Zen A. Salh, Abdelmajid H. Mansour " A Spatial Domain Image Steganography Technique Based on Pseudorandom Permutation Substitution Method using Tree and Linked List ",  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015, ISSN: 2231 -5381

[16] Hythem Hashim, Ahmed A. Talab,Ali Satty,and Samani A.Talab



2- Journals

b-after Associate Professor

[1] Mustafa ElGili, Samani A. Talab, Awad H. Ali " WEP and WPA Improvement   " Wireless Sensor Network, Published Online March 2010

[2] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, The Technical Feasibility and Security of E-Voting,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Jordan, July 28, 2011

[3] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, E-Voting Systems Vulnerabilities, International Journal of Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management , IJNCM, KOREA

[4] السماني عبدالمطلب احمد، منير عبدالله سيف " نظام دعم قرار لتقدير المقبوضان والمدفوعات بواسطة السلاسل الزمنية" المجلة العربية الدولية للمعلوماتية، السعودية، يناير 2012

[5] Samani A. Talab and A. A. Shamog "Quality Standards, Information Systems and The Extent of The Discrepancy in the Evaluation from User to Other in Sudan " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.9, Sep(2009).

[6] Samani A. Talab and M. Zakriya A. Ammar “Security Protection Against Possible Dangers on Computer Networks: An Analytic-Survey Study” Arab Journal for Security studiesIssue No.56, Vol.28, Nov./Dec (2012). Published by: Naif Arab University for Security Sciences – Riyadh.

    ISSN 1241 - 1319

[7] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali " Using GIS in Urban expansion– Khartoum State " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.11, Jan(2013).

[8] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali تطبيق مفاهيم الاستنباط المكاني باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وجوجل ايرث في بناء خريطة ثلاثية الأبعاد – بالتطبيق علي ولاية الخرطوم " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.15, Vol.11, Jan(2012). ACCEPTANCE LETTER

[9] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali تطوير قاعدة البيانات لاختبارات المواد والتربة للاستخدام كمواد لرصف الطرق " Red Sea University Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[10] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).




[11] S. A. Talab  and A. A. A/Rahman “comparison between WEB Servers (closed and open source) ” Scientific Journal for commerce and Economic & Social Studies, Biannual Periodical, Scientific & Refereed, Issue No.2, Vol.1, June(2012).

   ISSN 1858 – 6376.

[12] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali تحليل وتصميم البيئة الإلكترونية للمؤسسات التعليمية " White Nile for science and technology Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[13] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali Readiness of countries for E-learning and the economic and social benefits expected with special reference to the experience of the Sudanese " AL-Gadarif  University for science and Arts Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[14] M.M. Saeed ,Samani A. Talab and Mammdouh M. Moh. استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في اثر الطرق علي الحوادث المرورية (دراسة حالة منطقة الخرطوم وسط " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.17, Vol.11, ACCEPTANCE LETTER Dec(2012).

[15] Samani A. Talab and Huthaifa A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Oct(2012).




Under Publication


1- Papers

[1] A.H. Ahmed, S. A. Talab  and O. Tag “Evaluation of E-banking Service in sudan”

[2] S. A. Talab “Using  Computer Concepts to Enhance and Transform the Role of  Education”


2- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "computer science II" 6th year Basic school, sudan,

[2] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part II".

[3] S. A. Talab "Advance Data Structures and Algorithms with C++".


Supervision of


[1] Ayad Mohammed Mahyoub Ghaleb, Field (Data Mining), Aug 2012.

[2] Huthaifa Abdelkarim Ali Ellatif, Field (E- management), Dec 2012.

[3] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2012.

[4] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Field (E- Voting.), Jan 2012

[5] Abubaker Elrazi Osman Mohammed Ahmed, Field (MEDICAL DECISION MAKING), Sep 2011.

[6] Mohammed Yahia Beillow Adam  Field(Digital Image Processing), June 2011.

[7] Tarig  O. FadL Elseed Abdalla , Field(E-concepts), June 2011

[8] Bassam Z. Ibrahim, Field (Software Eng), 2011.

[9] Thoyba A. Haj Ali, Field (GIS), Dec 2012.

[10] Faisal M. Nafie Ali, Field (E-concepts), Jan 2011.

[11] Monnair A/Alla Saif , Field (Decision S. System), Dec 2010.


Supervision of MSc


  1. By Research

[1] Mohammed J. Younis, Field (LIS), 2010.

[2] Oday Obaid Hassoon, Field (Steganography), May 2009

[3] Zakkria A. Ammar, Field (Networks), Aug 2011.

[4] yasir N. Elsaed, Field(E-concepts), June 2009

[5] Modther A. Ibrahim, Field (E-Learning), May 2007

[6] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2007.

[7] Nassir M. Ali, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[8] Alla  A. Shamog, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[9] Omer E. Mohammed, Field(E-concepts), June 2006

[10] Mohammed K. Suleiman, Field (AIS), 2005.

[11] Bassam Z. Ibrahim Field (LIS), 2005.

[12] Sohail Bin Mustafa Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[13] Sharfi Mustafa Abbas, Field (E-concepts), 2004.

2-By Courses   (Sample)

[1] Mubark A. Adam, Field (Data Structure), 2005.

[2] Haitham E. Ali, Field (E-Government), 2005.

[3] Eltayeb S. Gabar, Field (Steganography), 2005.

[4] Gafar Z.Salih, Field (Image Recognition), 2005.

[5] A/Majid H. Mansour, Field (E-Learning), 2005.

[6] Majzoob K. Omer, Field (E-Learning),2005

[7] Ali Osman Mohamed, Field (AI), 2005.

[8] Fahkr A. Mohammed, Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[9] Amin M. Al-Amin, Field (WEB Design),2005.

[10] Osama A. Dafalla, Field (Search Engine), 2006.

[11] Ahmed B.Hassan, Field (Genetic Algorithm),2007.

[12] A/Rahman A.A/Rahman, Field (E- Learning), 2007.

[13] El-Hadi S. El-Hadi, Field (E- Learning), 2007.


Current  Activities & Research

  • using  computer concepts to enhance and transform the role of education e.g. E-learning,  E-education, Security, Multimedia


  • Teaching various modules on


  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Tools and Concepts in Programming.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Computer Graphics.
  • Database Systems.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Computer simulation & Modeling.
  • Operating system.
  • Data mining.
  • E-concepts.


At MSc./BSc. Level, Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum Sudan.


  • Supervising BSc/MSc students’ projects in Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan.


  • Programming with


  • PHP.
  • ASP.
  • Oracle
  • VC++.Net
  • gnu C++ in Linux environment.


üResearch Interests

  • Computer Graphics.
  • Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Programming Languages for Teaching.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms Teaching and learning.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Information systems
  • Data mining.
  • Genetic Algorithm.



Academic Activities

[1] Chair of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2014- to Now, Sudan.

[2] Member of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2000- to 2014, Sudan.

[3] Member of the committee for the admission to the MSc program in Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, 2002 to Now,Sudan

[4] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of IT & IS, PortSudan Ahlia College, 2006, Sudan.

[5] Member of Faculty of Education Council, University of Ash Sharq (1995-1997), Sudan.

[6] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate (1997-2005)

[7] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate Academic Advisory Committee (1998-2005)

[8] Member of Post Graduate Council, Al-Neelain University (2003-2005)

[9] Member of the Committee which Designed the Degree Structure for Department of Computer Science, Red Sea University, 2004, Sudan.

[10] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Gaddarif University, 2006, Sudan.

[11] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information system, Guran Al-Karim University, 2006, Sudan.

[12] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 2002, Sudan.

[13] External examiner for MSc thesis (University of Khartoum, Sudan Of Science & Technology, Gazira

[14] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum, 2011, Sudan.

[15] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2005, Sudan.

[16] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2004, Sudan.

[17] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2006, Sudan.

[18] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2005, Sudan.

[19] Internal examiner for MSc thesis, Al-Neelain University, Sudan

[20] Faculty advisor for the computer studies. Ash-Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 1997 to now Now, Sudan.

[21] Chair of the Award Committee. Dept. of Computer Science ,White Nile College, 2002 to Now, Sudan

[22] Reference letters for several candidates applying to various positions in Computer Sci.


Software Development Experience

[1] Designed and developed of the well known  system SES (Students Evaluation System) which is common in almost all universities. e.g.

  • University of Al-Neelain.
  • Ash Sharq Ahlia College.
  • University of Gaddarif.
  • University of Kassala.
  • University of Sinnar.
  • University of Shandi.
  • WHITE NILE University
  • Red Sea University
  • PortSudan Ahlia College

  Role: Designer and Developer,

      Development Tools/Environment: FoxPro, DOS/Windows98.

[2] Design and Programming of the simulator system which determined the current curve of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[3] Design and Programming of E-Exam system of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[4] Systems Analyst, programmer and supervision  of implementing computerized system in many organizations in Sudan.



[1] 2nd International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (e-learning Africa), 28-30 May,2007, Nairobi, Kenya.

[2] International Education & Information Conference, 18th – 20th May,2005, Organized by Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Amman, Jordan.

[3] International Conference on Scientific Research   Outlook in he Arab World and The New Millennium : Science & Technology, 24-26 April,2000, Organized by The University of Sharjah, UAE.

Academic References

[1] Professor Awad Haj Ali Ahmed
Department of Computer Science
University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan


[2] Professor Izzeldin Mohammed Osman
Department of Computer Science
Sudan University Of Science & Technology ,

Khartoum, Sudan


[3] Professor Izzeldin K. Amin

   Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan

[4] Dr Mohsin H.A. Hashim 
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan

Chairman: samani Ahmed Abdul Muttalib

Chairman Message

Higher education is the first pillar in the progress and well-being of the human being. It aims at developing society, optimizing the use of resources, good management, increasing production and promoting cultural, social and economic concepts through the development, dissemination and application of knowledge through scientific and technological research and research in the social , medical, engineering…. fields . Sudan recognizes  the urgent need for scientific and technological development in order to catch up with the world, to benefit from the scientific and technological revolution under the new international order and free trade, for all these reasons  the University Council, to achieve these lofty goals and plans for each planning scientifically accurate academic, financial and administrative programs of the University, and to achieve a scientific breakthrough contribute to an active contribution to the renaissance of the Sudanese nation and well-being

Personal information


Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed Abd Elmutalib

(Samani A. Talab)

Field of specialization

Computer Science

Mailing address

P.O. Box 12702, Khartoum, Sudan

Telephone No.

00249-999931210 (Day Time)

00249-912341965 (Home)

00249-912131210 (Mobile)

00249-122407361 (Mobile)










Tabat, Al-Gazira State, Sudan, Sep. 20,1965



Family Status  

Married, two children (1M & 1F)


Career goal


Ongoing excellence as a researcher and educator in Computer Science.


Arabic (Mother Tongue), English



 Aug 1998 – June 2001

PhD Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ E-Learning algorithms ”.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

May 1993 – Nov. 1995

M.Sc. Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ computerized System for statistical evaluation of students results” .

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

Nov 1984 – Nov. 1989

B.Sc. (Honor) Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Computing Skills:


E-learning Package




  • Microsoft Office Suite, Internet Explorer.
  • Paint Shop Pro, Dream weaver.
  • several e-mail packages.

Programming Langages


  • C & C++, Visual c++, Visual, C#.
  • Pascal, Java, Prolog, Visual basic,
  • PHP, ASP, Oracle ,Ada.

Operating Systems

  • Linux, Unix, All Window & MS DOS versions

XML technologies


Academic Position



Apr 2015– to Now

Professor of computer science, Faculty of Computer Science and IT., AL-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Jan 2012– Apr 2015

Academic Secretary, Professor of computer science academic affairs secretariat, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

July 2008– Jan 2012

Dean, Associate Professor of computer science Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 2005– July 2008

Assistant professorAL-Neelain University, Sudan

Aug 2002 – Nov 2005

Dean founder, Faculty of Computer Science and IT.

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1998 – July 2002

Director Computer and information Center

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1997 – Nov 1998

Head of the Department of Computer Science

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1995 – Dec 1997

Lecturer of Computer Science, Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan

June 1993 – Nov 1995

During my M.Sc. Part time Lecturer, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

Dec 1990 – May 1993

Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science

Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan



1- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and Samani. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part I".

[2] Samani A. Talab, A.H. Ahmed and M.M. Saeed "numerical analysis ". .

[3] Samani A. Talab “Operating system concept” open university of Sudan.

[4] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science I” 4th year  Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[5] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science II” 5th year Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[6] Samani A. Talab “Data structure & algorithms” open university of Sudan.

[7] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science” 3rd year secondary school, Ministry of Education.




2- Journals

a-after  Professor

[1] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "

Comparative study between workflow tools Case study: Arabdox workflow and Bizagi express"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 3, Issue 4 (November 2013) PP: 09-17.

[2] Alwalid Bashier Gism Elseed Ahmed, Anas Ali Ballah Ali, Samani A. Talab " Matching User Preferences with Learning Objects in Model Based on Semantic Web Ontologies"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 4, Issue 3 (August 2014) PP: 09-17.

[3] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "The Role of Processes Re-Engineering and Workflow In The Transformation Of E-Government "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 10|| (October 2013)

[4] Foriaa Ahmed Elbasheer, Samani A. Talab "Forecasting Budget Estimated Using Time-Series ", Intelligent Information Management, 2014, 6, 142-148, Published Online May 2014 in SciRes.


[5] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " Performance Promoting Using E - management "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 12|| (December 2013)

[6] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " E-Management: Configuration, Functions and Role in Improving Performance of Arab Institutions and Organization ", International Journal of Computer Applications (p-ISSN: 0975 – 8887) Volume 80 – No.6, (October 2013)

[7] ABD ELZIZ HASSAN KHARSANI, SAMANI A. TALAB and AWAD H. ALI " MODERN HIGH-EFFICIENCY AUTOMATIC CATEGORIZATION ALGORITHM FOR ARABIC CORPUS ", International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN 2278-9960, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2013, 137-152 ,© IASET

[8] Mozamel M. Saeed1, Samani A. Talab " The role of E-learning in facing the challenges of the century ", Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 ISSN: 2319-5967 ISO 9001:2008 Certified

[9] Nasir M. Ali Yousif, Ahmed Talab, Eltyeb E. Abed Elgabar, Samani A. Talab " Critical Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation in Sudan ", IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 3, Issue 3,June 2014, ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420


[10] Razi O. Mohammed, Samani A. Talab " Clinical Data Warehouse Issues and Challenges ", International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology Vol.7, No.5 (2014), pp.251-262

[11] Haytham Ahmed, Samani A. Talab " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130

[12] أياد محمد مهيوب غالبالسماني عبدالمطلب احمد "إستخدام تقنيات تنقيب البيانات لكشف التطفل في شبكات الحاسوب ", مجلة جامعة الناصر مجلة علمية محكمة- نصف سنويه -تصدرها جامعةالناصر، العدد الرابع يونيو-ديسمبر 2014م

ISSN 2307-7662

[13] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Comparison of Information Hiding by LSB Using Arithmetical Sequence on different image Format ", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2015,   ISSN (Online) 2278-1021  ,      ISSN (Print) 2319-5940

       DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2015.44133

[14] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130


[15] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Gafar Zen A. Salh, Abdelmajid H. Mansour " A Spatial Domain Image Steganography Technique Based on Pseudorandom Permutation Substitution Method using Tree and Linked List ",  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015, ISSN: 2231 -5381

[16] Hythem Hashim, Ahmed A. Talab,Ali Satty,and Samani A.Talab



2- Journals

b-after Associate Professor

[1] Mustafa ElGili, Samani A. Talab, Awad H. Ali " WEP and WPA Improvement   " Wireless Sensor Network, Published Online March 2010

[2] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, The Technical Feasibility and Security of E-Voting,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Jordan, July 28, 2011

[3] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, E-Voting Systems Vulnerabilities, International Journal of Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management , IJNCM, KOREA

[4] السماني عبدالمطلب احمد، منير عبدالله سيف " نظام دعم قرار لتقدير المقبوضان والمدفوعات بواسطة السلاسل الزمنية" المجلة العربية الدولية للمعلوماتية، السعودية، يناير 2012

[5] Samani A. Talab and A. A. Shamog "Quality Standards, Information Systems and The Extent of The Discrepancy in the Evaluation from User to Other in Sudan " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.9, Sep(2009).

[6] Samani A. Talab and M. Zakriya A. Ammar “Security Protection Against Possible Dangers on Computer Networks: An Analytic-Survey Study” Arab Journal for Security studiesIssue No.56, Vol.28, Nov./Dec (2012). Published by: Naif Arab University for Security Sciences – Riyadh.

    ISSN 1241 - 1319

[7] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali " Using GIS in Urban expansion– Khartoum State " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.11, Jan(2013).

[8] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali تطبيق مفاهيم الاستنباط المكاني باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وجوجل ايرث في بناء خريطة ثلاثية الأبعاد – بالتطبيق علي ولاية الخرطوم " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.15, Vol.11, Jan(2012). ACCEPTANCE LETTER

[9] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali تطوير قاعدة البيانات لاختبارات المواد والتربة للاستخدام كمواد لرصف الطرق " Red Sea University Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[10] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).




[11] S. A. Talab  and A. A. A/Rahman “comparison between WEB Servers (closed and open source) ” Scientific Journal for commerce and Economic & Social Studies, Biannual Periodical, Scientific & Refereed, Issue No.2, Vol.1, June(2012).

   ISSN 1858 – 6376.

[12] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali تحليل وتصميم البيئة الإلكترونية للمؤسسات التعليمية " White Nile for science and technology Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[13] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali Readiness of countries for E-learning and the economic and social benefits expected with special reference to the experience of the Sudanese " AL-Gadarif  University for science and Arts Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[14] M.M. Saeed ,Samani A. Talab and Mammdouh M. Moh. استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في اثر الطرق علي الحوادث المرورية (دراسة حالة منطقة الخرطوم وسط " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.17, Vol.11, ACCEPTANCE LETTER Dec(2012).

[15] Samani A. Talab and Huthaifa A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Oct(2012).




Under Publication


1- Papers

[1] A.H. Ahmed, S. A. Talab  and O. Tag “Evaluation of E-banking Service in sudan”

[2] S. A. Talab “Using  Computer Concepts to Enhance and Transform the Role of  Education”


2- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "computer science II" 6th year Basic school, sudan,

[2] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part II".

[3] S. A. Talab "Advance Data Structures and Algorithms with C++".


Supervision of


[1] Ayad Mohammed Mahyoub Ghaleb, Field (Data Mining), Aug 2012.

[2] Huthaifa Abdelkarim Ali Ellatif, Field (E- management), Dec 2012.

[3] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2012.

[4] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Field (E- Voting.), Jan 2012

[5] Abubaker Elrazi Osman Mohammed Ahmed, Field (MEDICAL DECISION MAKING), Sep 2011.

[6] Mohammed Yahia Beillow Adam  Field(Digital Image Processing), June 2011.

[7] Tarig  O. FadL Elseed Abdalla , Field(E-concepts), June 2011

[8] Bassam Z. Ibrahim, Field (Software Eng), 2011.

[9] Thoyba A. Haj Ali, Field (GIS), Dec 2012.

[10] Faisal M. Nafie Ali, Field (E-concepts), Jan 2011.

[11] Monnair A/Alla Saif , Field (Decision S. System), Dec 2010.


Supervision of MSc


  1. By Research

[1] Mohammed J. Younis, Field (LIS), 2010.

[2] Oday Obaid Hassoon, Field (Steganography), May 2009

[3] Zakkria A. Ammar, Field (Networks), Aug 2011.

[4] yasir N. Elsaed, Field(E-concepts), June 2009

[5] Modther A. Ibrahim, Field (E-Learning), May 2007

[6] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2007.

[7] Nassir M. Ali, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[8] Alla  A. Shamog, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[9] Omer E. Mohammed, Field(E-concepts), June 2006

[10] Mohammed K. Suleiman, Field (AIS), 2005.

[11] Bassam Z. Ibrahim Field (LIS), 2005.

[12] Sohail Bin Mustafa Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[13] Sharfi Mustafa Abbas, Field (E-concepts), 2004.

2-By Courses   (Sample)

[1] Mubark A. Adam, Field (Data Structure), 2005.

[2] Haitham E. Ali, Field (E-Government), 2005.

[3] Eltayeb S. Gabar, Field (Steganography), 2005.

[4] Gafar Z.Salih, Field (Image Recognition), 2005.

[5] A/Majid H. Mansour, Field (E-Learning), 2005.

[6] Majzoob K. Omer, Field (E-Learning),2005

[7] Ali Osman Mohamed, Field (AI), 2005.

[8] Fahkr A. Mohammed, Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[9] Amin M. Al-Amin, Field (WEB Design),2005.

[10] Osama A. Dafalla, Field (Search Engine), 2006.

[11] Ahmed B.Hassan, Field (Genetic Algorithm),2007.

[12] A/Rahman A.A/Rahman, Field (E- Learning), 2007.

[13] El-Hadi S. El-Hadi, Field (E- Learning), 2007.


Current  Activities & Research

  • using  computer concepts to enhance and transform the role of education e.g. E-learning,  E-education, Security, Multimedia


  • Teaching various modules on


  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Tools and Concepts in Programming.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Computer Graphics.
  • Database Systems.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Computer simulation & Modeling.
  • Operating system.
  • Data mining.
  • E-concepts.


At MSc./BSc. Level, Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum Sudan.


  • Supervising BSc/MSc students’ projects in Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan.


  • Programming with


  • PHP.
  • ASP.
  • Oracle
  • VC++.Net
  • gnu C++ in Linux environment.


üResearch Interests

  • Computer Graphics.
  • Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Programming Languages for Teaching.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms Teaching and learning.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Information systems
  • Data mining.
  • Genetic Algorithm.



Academic Activities

[1] Chair of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2014- to Now, Sudan.

[2] Member of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2000- to 2014, Sudan.

[3] Member of the committee for the admission to the MSc program in Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, 2002 to Now,Sudan

[4] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of IT & IS, PortSudan Ahlia College, 2006, Sudan.

[5] Member of Faculty of Education Council, University of Ash Sharq (1995-1997), Sudan.

[6] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate (1997-2005)

[7] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate Academic Advisory Committee (1998-2005)

[8] Member of Post Graduate Council, Al-Neelain University (2003-2005)

[9] Member of the Committee which Designed the Degree Structure for Department of Computer Science, Red Sea University, 2004, Sudan.

[10] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Gaddarif University, 2006, Sudan.

[11] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information system, Guran Al-Karim University, 2006, Sudan.

[12] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 2002, Sudan.

[13] External examiner for MSc thesis (University of Khartoum, Sudan Of Science & Technology, Gazira

[14] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum, 2011, Sudan.

[15] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2005, Sudan.

[16] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2004, Sudan.

[17] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2006, Sudan.

[18] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2005, Sudan.

[19] Internal examiner for MSc thesis, Al-Neelain University, Sudan

[20] Faculty advisor for the computer studies. Ash-Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 1997 to now Now, Sudan.

[21] Chair of the Award Committee. Dept. of Computer Science ,White Nile College, 2002 to Now, Sudan

[22] Reference letters for several candidates applying to various positions in Computer Sci.


Software Development Experience

[1] Designed and developed of the well known  system SES (Students Evaluation System) which is common in almost all universities. e.g.

  • University of Al-Neelain.
  • Ash Sharq Ahlia College.
  • University of Gaddarif.
  • University of Kassala.
  • University of Sinnar.
  • University of Shandi.
  • WHITE NILE University
  • Red Sea University
  • PortSudan Ahlia College

  Role: Designer and Developer,

      Development Tools/Environment: FoxPro, DOS/Windows98.

[2] Design and Programming of the simulator system which determined the current curve of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[3] Design and Programming of E-Exam system of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[4] Systems Analyst, programmer and supervision  of implementing computerized system in many organizations in Sudan.



[1] 2nd International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (e-learning Africa), 28-30 May,2007, Nairobi, Kenya.

[2] International Education & Information Conference, 18th – 20th May,2005, Organized by Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Amman, Jordan.

[3] International Conference on Scientific Research   Outlook in he Arab World and The New Millennium : Science & Technology, 24-26 April,2000, Organized by The University of Sharjah, UAE.

Academic References

[1] Professor Awad Haj Ali Ahmed
Department of Computer Science
University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan


[2] Professor Izzeldin Mohammed Osman
Department of Computer Science
Sudan University Of Science & Technology ,

Khartoum, Sudan


[3] Professor Izzeldin K. Amin

   Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan

[4] Dr Mohsin H.A. Hashim 
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan

Chairman: samani Ahmed Abdul Muttalib

Chairman Message

Higher education is the first pillar in the progress and well-being of the human being. It aims at developing society, optimizing the use of resources, good management, increasing production and promoting cultural, social and economic concepts through the development, dissemination and application of knowledge through scientific and technological research and research in the social , medical, engineering…. fields . Sudan recognizes  the urgent need for scientific and technological development in order to catch up with the world, to benefit from the scientific and technological revolution under the new international order and free trade, for all these reasons  the University Council, to achieve these lofty goals and plans for each planning scientifically accurate academic, financial and administrative programs of the University, and to achieve a scientific breakthrough contribute to an active contribution to the renaissance of the Sudanese nation and well-being

Personal information


Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed Abd Elmutalib

(Samani A. Talab)

Field of specialization

Computer Science

Mailing address

P.O. Box 12702, Khartoum, Sudan

Telephone No.

00249-999931210 (Day Time)

00249-912341965 (Home)

00249-912131210 (Mobile)

00249-122407361 (Mobile)










Tabat, Al-Gazira State, Sudan, Sep. 20,1965



Family Status  

Married, two children (1M & 1F)


Career goal


Ongoing excellence as a researcher and educator in Computer Science.


Arabic (Mother Tongue), English



 Aug 1998 – June 2001

PhD Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ E-Learning algorithms ”.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

May 1993 – Nov. 1995

M.Sc. Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ computerized System for statistical evaluation of students results” .

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

Nov 1984 – Nov. 1989

B.Sc. (Honor) Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Computing Skills:


E-learning Package




  • Microsoft Office Suite, Internet Explorer.
  • Paint Shop Pro, Dream weaver.
  • several e-mail packages.

Programming Langages


  • C & C++, Visual c++, Visual, C#.
  • Pascal, Java, Prolog, Visual basic,
  • PHP, ASP, Oracle ,Ada.

Operating Systems

  • Linux, Unix, All Window & MS DOS versions

XML technologies


Academic Position



Apr 2015– to Now

Professor of computer science, Faculty of Computer Science and IT., AL-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Jan 2012– Apr 2015

Academic Secretary, Professor of computer science academic affairs secretariat, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

July 2008– Jan 2012

Dean, Associate Professor of computer science Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 2005– July 2008

Assistant professorAL-Neelain University, Sudan

Aug 2002 – Nov 2005

Dean founder, Faculty of Computer Science and IT.

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1998 – July 2002

Director Computer and information Center

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1997 – Nov 1998

Head of the Department of Computer Science

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1995 – Dec 1997

Lecturer of Computer Science, Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan

June 1993 – Nov 1995

During my M.Sc. Part time Lecturer, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

Dec 1990 – May 1993

Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science

Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan



1- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and Samani. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part I".

[2] Samani A. Talab, A.H. Ahmed and M.M. Saeed "numerical analysis ". .

[3] Samani A. Talab “Operating system concept” open university of Sudan.

[4] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science I” 4th year  Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[5] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science II” 5th year Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[6] Samani A. Talab “Data structure & algorithms” open university of Sudan.

[7] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science” 3rd year secondary school, Ministry of Education.




2- Journals

a-after  Professor

[1] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "

Comparative study between workflow tools Case study: Arabdox workflow and Bizagi express"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 3, Issue 4 (November 2013) PP: 09-17.

[2] Alwalid Bashier Gism Elseed Ahmed, Anas Ali Ballah Ali, Samani A. Talab " Matching User Preferences with Learning Objects in Model Based on Semantic Web Ontologies"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 4, Issue 3 (August 2014) PP: 09-17.

[3] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "The Role of Processes Re-Engineering and Workflow In The Transformation Of E-Government "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 10|| (October 2013)

[4] Foriaa Ahmed Elbasheer, Samani A. Talab "Forecasting Budget Estimated Using Time-Series ", Intelligent Information Management, 2014, 6, 142-148, Published Online May 2014 in SciRes.


[5] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " Performance Promoting Using E - management "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 12|| (December 2013)

[6] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " E-Management: Configuration, Functions and Role in Improving Performance of Arab Institutions and Organization ", International Journal of Computer Applications (p-ISSN: 0975 – 8887) Volume 80 – No.6, (October 2013)

[7] ABD ELZIZ HASSAN KHARSANI, SAMANI A. TALAB and AWAD H. ALI " MODERN HIGH-EFFICIENCY AUTOMATIC CATEGORIZATION ALGORITHM FOR ARABIC CORPUS ", International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN 2278-9960, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2013, 137-152 ,© IASET

[8] Mozamel M. Saeed1, Samani A. Talab " The role of E-learning in facing the challenges of the century ", Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 ISSN: 2319-5967 ISO 9001:2008 Certified

[9] Nasir M. Ali Yousif, Ahmed Talab, Eltyeb E. Abed Elgabar, Samani A. Talab " Critical Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation in Sudan ", IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 3, Issue 3,June 2014, ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420


[10] Razi O. Mohammed, Samani A. Talab " Clinical Data Warehouse Issues and Challenges ", International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology Vol.7, No.5 (2014), pp.251-262

[11] Haytham Ahmed, Samani A. Talab " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130

[12] أياد محمد مهيوب غالبالسماني عبدالمطلب احمد "إستخدام تقنيات تنقيب البيانات لكشف التطفل في شبكات الحاسوب ", مجلة جامعة الناصر مجلة علمية محكمة- نصف سنويه -تصدرها جامعةالناصر، العدد الرابع يونيو-ديسمبر 2014م

ISSN 2307-7662

[13] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Comparison of Information Hiding by LSB Using Arithmetical Sequence on different image Format ", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2015,   ISSN (Online) 2278-1021  ,      ISSN (Print) 2319-5940

       DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2015.44133

[14] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130


[15] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Gafar Zen A. Salh, Abdelmajid H. Mansour " A Spatial Domain Image Steganography Technique Based on Pseudorandom Permutation Substitution Method using Tree and Linked List ",  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015, ISSN: 2231 -5381

[16] Hythem Hashim, Ahmed A. Talab,Ali Satty,and Samani A.Talab



2- Journals

b-after Associate Professor

[1] Mustafa ElGili, Samani A. Talab, Awad H. Ali " WEP and WPA Improvement   " Wireless Sensor Network, Published Online March 2010

[2] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, The Technical Feasibility and Security of E-Voting,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Jordan, July 28, 2011

[3] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, E-Voting Systems Vulnerabilities, International Journal of Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management , IJNCM, KOREA

[4] السماني عبدالمطلب احمد، منير عبدالله سيف " نظام دعم قرار لتقدير المقبوضان والمدفوعات بواسطة السلاسل الزمنية" المجلة العربية الدولية للمعلوماتية، السعودية، يناير 2012

[5] Samani A. Talab and A. A. Shamog "Quality Standards, Information Systems and The Extent of The Discrepancy in the Evaluation from User to Other in Sudan " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.9, Sep(2009).

[6] Samani A. Talab and M. Zakriya A. Ammar “Security Protection Against Possible Dangers on Computer Networks: An Analytic-Survey Study” Arab Journal for Security studiesIssue No.56, Vol.28, Nov./Dec (2012). Published by: Naif Arab University for Security Sciences – Riyadh.

    ISSN 1241 - 1319

[7] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali " Using GIS in Urban expansion– Khartoum State " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.11, Jan(2013).

[8] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali تطبيق مفاهيم الاستنباط المكاني باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وجوجل ايرث في بناء خريطة ثلاثية الأبعاد – بالتطبيق علي ولاية الخرطوم " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.15, Vol.11, Jan(2012). ACCEPTANCE LETTER

[9] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali تطوير قاعدة البيانات لاختبارات المواد والتربة للاستخدام كمواد لرصف الطرق " Red Sea University Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[10] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).




[11] S. A. Talab  and A. A. A/Rahman “comparison between WEB Servers (closed and open source) ” Scientific Journal for commerce and Economic & Social Studies, Biannual Periodical, Scientific & Refereed, Issue No.2, Vol.1, June(2012).

   ISSN 1858 – 6376.

[12] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali تحليل وتصميم البيئة الإلكترونية للمؤسسات التعليمية " White Nile for science and technology Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[13] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali Readiness of countries for E-learning and the economic and social benefits expected with special reference to the experience of the Sudanese " AL-Gadarif  University for science and Arts Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[14] M.M. Saeed ,Samani A. Talab and Mammdouh M. Moh. استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في اثر الطرق علي الحوادث المرورية (دراسة حالة منطقة الخرطوم وسط " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.17, Vol.11, ACCEPTANCE LETTER Dec(2012).

[15] Samani A. Talab and Huthaifa A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Oct(2012).




Under Publication


1- Papers

[1] A.H. Ahmed, S. A. Talab  and O. Tag “Evaluation of E-banking Service in sudan”

[2] S. A. Talab “Using  Computer Concepts to Enhance and Transform the Role of  Education”


2- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "computer science II" 6th year Basic school, sudan,

[2] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part II".

[3] S. A. Talab "Advance Data Structures and Algorithms with C++".


Supervision of


[1] Ayad Mohammed Mahyoub Ghaleb, Field (Data Mining), Aug 2012.

[2] Huthaifa Abdelkarim Ali Ellatif, Field (E- management), Dec 2012.

[3] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2012.

[4] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Field (E- Voting.), Jan 2012

[5] Abubaker Elrazi Osman Mohammed Ahmed, Field (MEDICAL DECISION MAKING), Sep 2011.

[6] Mohammed Yahia Beillow Adam  Field(Digital Image Processing), June 2011.

[7] Tarig  O. FadL Elseed Abdalla , Field(E-concepts), June 2011

[8] Bassam Z. Ibrahim, Field (Software Eng), 2011.

[9] Thoyba A. Haj Ali, Field (GIS), Dec 2012.

[10] Faisal M. Nafie Ali, Field (E-concepts), Jan 2011.

[11] Monnair A/Alla Saif , Field (Decision S. System), Dec 2010.


Supervision of MSc


  1. By Research

[1] Mohammed J. Younis, Field (LIS), 2010.

[2] Oday Obaid Hassoon, Field (Steganography), May 2009

[3] Zakkria A. Ammar, Field (Networks), Aug 2011.

[4] yasir N. Elsaed, Field(E-concepts), June 2009

[5] Modther A. Ibrahim, Field (E-Learning), May 2007

[6] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2007.

[7] Nassir M. Ali, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[8] Alla  A. Shamog, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[9] Omer E. Mohammed, Field(E-concepts), June 2006

[10] Mohammed K. Suleiman, Field (AIS), 2005.

[11] Bassam Z. Ibrahim Field (LIS), 2005.

[12] Sohail Bin Mustafa Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[13] Sharfi Mustafa Abbas, Field (E-concepts), 2004.

2-By Courses   (Sample)

[1] Mubark A. Adam, Field (Data Structure), 2005.

[2] Haitham E. Ali, Field (E-Government), 2005.

[3] Eltayeb S. Gabar, Field (Steganography), 2005.

[4] Gafar Z.Salih, Field (Image Recognition), 2005.

[5] A/Majid H. Mansour, Field (E-Learning), 2005.

[6] Majzoob K. Omer, Field (E-Learning),2005

[7] Ali Osman Mohamed, Field (AI), 2005.

[8] Fahkr A. Mohammed, Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[9] Amin M. Al-Amin, Field (WEB Design),2005.

[10] Osama A. Dafalla, Field (Search Engine), 2006.

[11] Ahmed B.Hassan, Field (Genetic Algorithm),2007.

[12] A/Rahman A.A/Rahman, Field (E- Learning), 2007.

[13] El-Hadi S. El-Hadi, Field (E- Learning), 2007.


Current  Activities & Research

  • using  computer concepts to enhance and transform the role of education e.g. E-learning,  E-education, Security, Multimedia


  • Teaching various modules on


  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Tools and Concepts in Programming.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Computer Graphics.
  • Database Systems.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Computer simulation & Modeling.
  • Operating system.
  • Data mining.
  • E-concepts.


At MSc./BSc. Level, Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum Sudan.


  • Supervising BSc/MSc students’ projects in Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan.


  • Programming with


  • PHP.
  • ASP.
  • Oracle
  • VC++.Net
  • gnu C++ in Linux environment.


üResearch Interests

  • Computer Graphics.
  • Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Programming Languages for Teaching.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms Teaching and learning.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Information systems
  • Data mining.
  • Genetic Algorithm.



Academic Activities

[1] Chair of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2014- to Now, Sudan.

[2] Member of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2000- to 2014, Sudan.

[3] Member of the committee for the admission to the MSc program in Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, 2002 to Now,Sudan

[4] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of IT & IS, PortSudan Ahlia College, 2006, Sudan.

[5] Member of Faculty of Education Council, University of Ash Sharq (1995-1997), Sudan.

[6] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate (1997-2005)

[7] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate Academic Advisory Committee (1998-2005)

[8] Member of Post Graduate Council, Al-Neelain University (2003-2005)

[9] Member of the Committee which Designed the Degree Structure for Department of Computer Science, Red Sea University, 2004, Sudan.

[10] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Gaddarif University, 2006, Sudan.

[11] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information system, Guran Al-Karim University, 2006, Sudan.

[12] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 2002, Sudan.

[13] External examiner for MSc thesis (University of Khartoum, Sudan Of Science & Technology, Gazira

[14] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum, 2011, Sudan.

[15] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2005, Sudan.

[16] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2004, Sudan.

[17] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2006, Sudan.

[18] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2005, Sudan.

[19] Internal examiner for MSc thesis, Al-Neelain University, Sudan

[20] Faculty advisor for the computer studies. Ash-Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 1997 to now Now, Sudan.

[21] Chair of the Award Committee. Dept. of Computer Science ,White Nile College, 2002 to Now, Sudan

[22] Reference letters for several candidates applying to various positions in Computer Sci.


Software Development Experience

[1] Designed and developed of the well known  system SES (Students Evaluation System) which is common in almost all universities. e.g.

  • University of Al-Neelain.
  • Ash Sharq Ahlia College.
  • University of Gaddarif.
  • University of Kassala.
  • University of Sinnar.
  • University of Shandi.
  • WHITE NILE University
  • Red Sea University
  • PortSudan Ahlia College

  Role: Designer and Developer,

      Development Tools/Environment: FoxPro, DOS/Windows98.

[2] Design and Programming of the simulator system which determined the current curve of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[3] Design and Programming of E-Exam system of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[4] Systems Analyst, programmer and supervision  of implementing computerized system in many organizations in Sudan.



[1] 2nd International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (e-learning Africa), 28-30 May,2007, Nairobi, Kenya.

[2] International Education & Information Conference, 18th – 20th May,2005, Organized by Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Amman, Jordan.

[3] International Conference on Scientific Research   Outlook in he Arab World and The New Millennium : Science & Technology, 24-26 April,2000, Organized by The University of Sharjah, UAE.

Academic References

[1] Professor Awad Haj Ali Ahmed
Department of Computer Science
University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan


[2] Professor Izzeldin Mohammed Osman
Department of Computer Science
Sudan University Of Science & Technology ,

Khartoum, Sudan


[3] Professor Izzeldin K. Amin

   Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan

[4] Dr Mohsin H.A. Hashim 
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan

Chairman: prof.samani Ahmed Abdul Muttalib

Chairman Message

Higher education is the first pillar in the progress and well-being of the human being. It aims at developing society, optimizing the use of resources, good management, increasing production and promoting cultural, social and economic concepts through the development, dissemination and application of knowledge through scientific and technological research and research in the social , medical, engineering…. fields . Sudan recognizes  the urgent need for scientific and technological development in order to catch up with the world, to benefit from the scientific and technological revolution under the new international order and free trade, for all these reasons  the University Council, to achieve these lofty goals and plans for each planning scientifically accurate academic, financial and administrative programs of the University, and to achieve a scientific breakthrough contribute to an active contribution to the renaissance of the Sudanese nation and well-being

Personal information


Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed Abd Elmutalib

(Samani A. Talab)

Field of specialization

Computer Science

Mailing address

P.O. Box 12702, Khartoum, Sudan

Telephone No.

00249-999931210 (Day Time)

00249-912341965 (Home)

00249-912131210 (Mobile)

00249-122407361 (Mobile)










Tabat, Al-Gazira State, Sudan, Sep. 20,1965



Family Status  

Married, two children (1M & 1F)


Career goal


Ongoing excellence as a researcher and educator in Computer Science.


Arabic (Mother Tongue), English



 Aug 1998 – June 2001

PhD Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ E-Learning algorithms ”.

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

May 1993 – Nov. 1995

M.Sc. Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Thesis title: “ computerized System for statistical evaluation of students results” .

Thesis supervisor: Prof. Awad Haj Ali Ahmed.

Nov 1984 – Nov. 1989

B.Sc. (Honor) Computer Science

Faculty of mathematical science, Dept of Comp. Sc.

University of Khartoum, Sudan

Computing Skills:


E-learning Package




  • Microsoft Office Suite, Internet Explorer.
  • Paint Shop Pro, Dream weaver.
  • several e-mail packages.

Programming Langages


  • C & C++, Visual c++, Visual, C#.
  • Pascal, Java, Prolog, Visual basic,
  • PHP, ASP, Oracle ,Ada.

Operating Systems

  • Linux, Unix, All Window & MS DOS versions

XML technologies


Academic Position



Apr 2015– to Now

Professor of computer science, Faculty of Computer Science and IT., AL-Neelain University, Khartoum, Sudan

Jan 2012– Apr 2015

Academic Secretary, Professor of computer science academic affairs secretariat, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

July 2008– Jan 2012

Dean, Associate Professor of computer science Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 2005– July 2008

Assistant professorAL-Neelain University, Sudan

Aug 2002 – Nov 2005

Dean founder, Faculty of Computer Science and IT.

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1998 – July 2002

Director Computer and information Center

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1997 – Nov 1998

Head of the Department of Computer Science

AL-Neelain University, Khartoum State, Sudan

Dec 1995 – Dec 1997

Lecturer of Computer Science, Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan

June 1993 – Nov 1995

During my M.Sc. Part time Lecturer, AL-Neelain University, Sudan

Dec 1990 – May 1993

Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science

Ash Sharq university ,Kassala State, Sudan



1- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and Samani. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part I".

[2] Samani A. Talab, A.H. Ahmed and M.M. Saeed "numerical analysis ". .

[3] Samani A. Talab “Operating system concept” open university of Sudan.

[4] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science I” 4th year  Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[5] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science II” 5th year Basic School, Ministry of Education.

[6] Samani A. Talab “Data structure & algorithms” open university of Sudan.

[7] A.H. Ahmed and Samani A. Talab “computer science” 3rd year secondary school, Ministry of Education.




2- Journals

a-after  Professor

[1] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "

Comparative study between workflow tools Case study: Arabdox workflow and Bizagi express"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 3, Issue 4 (November 2013) PP: 09-17.

[2] Alwalid Bashier Gism Elseed Ahmed, Anas Ali Ballah Ali, Samani A. Talab " Matching User Preferences with Learning Objects in Model Based on Semantic Web Ontologies"International Journal of Engineering Inventions p-ISSN: 2319-6491 e-ISSN: 2278-7461, Volume 4, Issue 3 (August 2014) PP: 09-17.

[3] Faisal Mohammed Nafie, Samani A. Talab "The Role of Processes Re-Engineering and Workflow In The Transformation Of E-Government "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 10|| (October 2013)

[4] Foriaa Ahmed Elbasheer, Samani A. Talab "Forecasting Budget Estimated Using Time-Series ", Intelligent Information Management, 2014, 6, 142-148, Published Online May 2014 in SciRes.


[5] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " Performance Promoting Using E - management "International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 12|| (December 2013)

[6] Huthaifa A.A. Ellatif, Samani A. Talab " E-Management: Configuration, Functions and Role in Improving Performance of Arab Institutions and Organization ", International Journal of Computer Applications (p-ISSN: 0975 – 8887) Volume 80 – No.6, (October 2013)

[7] ABD ELZIZ HASSAN KHARSANI, SAMANI A. TALAB and AWAD H. ALI " MODERN HIGH-EFFICIENCY AUTOMATIC CATEGORIZATION ALGORITHM FOR ARABIC CORPUS ", International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), ISSN 2278-9960, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2013, 137-152 ,© IASET

[8] Mozamel M. Saeed1, Samani A. Talab " The role of E-learning in facing the challenges of the century ", Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 ISSN: 2319-5967 ISO 9001:2008 Certified

[9] Nasir M. Ali Yousif, Ahmed Talab, Eltyeb E. Abed Elgabar, Samani A. Talab " Critical Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation in Sudan ", IJCSN International Journal of Computer Science and Network, Volume 3, Issue 3,June 2014, ISSN (Online) : 2277-5420


[10] Razi O. Mohammed, Samani A. Talab " Clinical Data Warehouse Issues and Challenges ", International Journal of u-and e-Service, Science and Technology Vol.7, No.5 (2014), pp.251-262

[11] Haytham Ahmed, Samani A. Talab " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130

[12] أياد محمد مهيوب غالبالسماني عبدالمطلب احمد "إستخدام تقنيات تنقيب البيانات لكشف التطفل في شبكات الحاسوب ", مجلة جامعة الناصر مجلة علمية محكمة- نصف سنويه -تصدرها جامعةالناصر، العدد الرابع يونيو-ديسمبر 2014م

ISSN 2307-7662

[13] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Comparison of Information Hiding by LSB Using Arithmetical Sequence on different image Format ", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2015,   ISSN (Online) 2278-1021  ,      ISSN (Print) 2319-5940

       DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE.2015.44133

[14] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Abdelmajid H. Mansour, Gafar Zen A. Salh " Impact of E-Tourism in Developing Countries", International Journal Of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 1, Issue 6, December - 2014, pp.124-130


[15] Bassam Hasan Saghir, Elsamani Abd Elmutalib Ahmed, Gafar Zen A. Salh, Abdelmajid H. Mansour " A Spatial Domain Image Steganography Technique Based on Pseudorandom Permutation Substitution Method using Tree and Linked List ",  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume23 Number 4- May 2015, ISSN: 2231 -5381

[16] Hythem Hashim, Ahmed A. Talab,Ali Satty,and Samani A.Talab



2- Journals

b-after Associate Professor

[1] Mustafa ElGili, Samani A. Talab, Awad H. Ali " WEP and WPA Improvement   " Wireless Sensor Network, Published Online March 2010

[2] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, The Technical Feasibility and Security of E-Voting,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), Jordan, July 28, 2011

[3] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Samani A. Talab, E-Voting Systems Vulnerabilities, International Journal of Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management , IJNCM, KOREA

[4] السماني عبدالمطلب احمد، منير عبدالله سيف " نظام دعم قرار لتقدير المقبوضان والمدفوعات بواسطة السلاسل الزمنية" المجلة العربية الدولية للمعلوماتية، السعودية، يناير 2012

[5] Samani A. Talab and A. A. Shamog "Quality Standards, Information Systems and The Extent of The Discrepancy in the Evaluation from User to Other in Sudan " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.9, Sep(2009).

[6] Samani A. Talab and M. Zakriya A. Ammar “Security Protection Against Possible Dangers on Computer Networks: An Analytic-Survey Study” Arab Journal for Security studiesIssue No.56, Vol.28, Nov./Dec (2012). Published by: Naif Arab University for Security Sciences – Riyadh.

    ISSN 1241 - 1319

[7] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali " Using GIS in Urban expansion– Khartoum State " Journal of computer studies, Arab Research Councils, Issue No.1, Vol.11, Jan(2013).

[8] M.M. Saeed, Samani A. Talab and Awad H. Ali تطبيق مفاهيم الاستنباط المكاني باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وجوجل ايرث في بناء خريطة ثلاثية الأبعاد – بالتطبيق علي ولاية الخرطوم " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.15, Vol.11, Jan(2012). ACCEPTANCE LETTER

[9] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali تطوير قاعدة البيانات لاختبارات المواد والتربة للاستخدام كمواد لرصف الطرق " Red Sea University Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[10] Samani A. Talab and Thoyba A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).




[11] S. A. Talab  and A. A. A/Rahman “comparison between WEB Servers (closed and open source) ” Scientific Journal for commerce and Economic & Social Studies, Biannual Periodical, Scientific & Refereed, Issue No.2, Vol.1, June(2012).

   ISSN 1858 – 6376.

[12] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali تحليل وتصميم البيئة الإلكترونية للمؤسسات التعليمية " White Nile for science and technology Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[13] Samani A. Talab and Fatima A. H. Ali Readiness of countries for E-learning and the economic and social benefits expected with special reference to the experience of the Sudanese " AL-Gadarif  University for science and Arts Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Dec(2012).

[14] M.M. Saeed ,Samani A. Talab and Mammdouh M. Moh. استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في اثر الطرق علي الحوادث المرورية (دراسة حالة منطقة الخرطوم وسط " Nile Basin Research Journal, Issue No.17, Vol.11, ACCEPTANCE LETTER Dec(2012).

[15] Samani A. Talab and Huthaifa A. Ali إدارة المصادر الطبيعية وتنمية البنية التحتية في ولاية البحر الحمر باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية " The Graduate College Journal. ACCEPTANCE LETTER  Oct(2012).




Under Publication


1- Papers

[1] A.H. Ahmed, S. A. Talab  and O. Tag “Evaluation of E-banking Service in sudan”

[2] S. A. Talab “Using  Computer Concepts to Enhance and Transform the Role of  Education”


2- Books

[1] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "computer science II" 6th year Basic school, sudan,

[2] A.H. Ahmed and S. A. Talab "Programming Technique with C++ Part II".

[3] S. A. Talab "Advance Data Structures and Algorithms with C++".


Supervision of


[1] Ayad Mohammed Mahyoub Ghaleb, Field (Data Mining), Aug 2012.

[2] Huthaifa Abdelkarim Ali Ellatif, Field (E- management), Dec 2012.

[3] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2012.

[4] Abdalla Al-Ameen, Field (E- Voting.), Jan 2012

[5] Abubaker Elrazi Osman Mohammed Ahmed, Field (MEDICAL DECISION MAKING), Sep 2011.

[6] Mohammed Yahia Beillow Adam  Field(Digital Image Processing), June 2011.

[7] Tarig  O. FadL Elseed Abdalla , Field(E-concepts), June 2011

[8] Bassam Z. Ibrahim, Field (Software Eng), 2011.

[9] Thoyba A. Haj Ali, Field (GIS), Dec 2012.

[10] Faisal M. Nafie Ali, Field (E-concepts), Jan 2011.

[11] Monnair A/Alla Saif , Field (Decision S. System), Dec 2010.


Supervision of MSc


  1. By Research

[1] Mohammed J. Younis, Field (LIS), 2010.

[2] Oday Obaid Hassoon, Field (Steganography), May 2009

[3] Zakkria A. Ammar, Field (Networks), Aug 2011.

[4] yasir N. Elsaed, Field(E-concepts), June 2009

[5] Modther A. Ibrahim, Field (E-Learning), May 2007

[6] Fatima A. Haj Ali, Field (E-Learning), May 2007.

[7] Nassir M. Ali, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[8] Alla  A. Shamog, Field (Software Eng.), Jan 2007

[9] Omer E. Mohammed, Field(E-concepts), June 2006

[10] Mohammed K. Suleiman, Field (AIS), 2005.

[11] Bassam Z. Ibrahim Field (LIS), 2005.

[12] Sohail Bin Mustafa Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[13] Sharfi Mustafa Abbas, Field (E-concepts), 2004.

2-By Courses   (Sample)

[1] Mubark A. Adam, Field (Data Structure), 2005.

[2] Haitham E. Ali, Field (E-Government), 2005.

[3] Eltayeb S. Gabar, Field (Steganography), 2005.

[4] Gafar Z.Salih, Field (Image Recognition), 2005.

[5] A/Majid H. Mansour, Field (E-Learning), 2005.

[6] Majzoob K. Omer, Field (E-Learning),2005

[7] Ali Osman Mohamed, Field (AI), 2005.

[8] Fahkr A. Mohammed, Field (E- Learning), 2005.

[9] Amin M. Al-Amin, Field (WEB Design),2005.

[10] Osama A. Dafalla, Field (Search Engine), 2006.

[11] Ahmed B.Hassan, Field (Genetic Algorithm),2007.

[12] A/Rahman A.A/Rahman, Field (E- Learning), 2007.

[13] El-Hadi S. El-Hadi, Field (E- Learning), 2007.


Current  Activities & Research

  • using  computer concepts to enhance and transform the role of education e.g. E-learning,  E-education, Security, Multimedia


  • Teaching various modules on


  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Tools and Concepts in Programming.
  • Software Engineering.
  • Computer Graphics.
  • Database Systems.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Computer simulation & Modeling.
  • Operating system.
  • Data mining.
  • E-concepts.


At MSc./BSc. Level, Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum Sudan.


  • Supervising BSc/MSc students’ projects in Department of Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan.


  • Programming with


  • PHP.
  • ASP.
  • Oracle
  • VC++.Net
  • gnu C++ in Linux environment.


üResearch Interests

  • Computer Graphics.
  • Object-Oriented Programming.
  • Programming Languages for Teaching.
  • Data Structures and Algorithms Teaching and learning.
  • Compiler Design.
  • Numerical Computation.
  • Information systems
  • Data mining.
  • Genetic Algorithm.



Academic Activities

[1] Chair of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2014- to Now, Sudan.

[2] Member of Computer Studies Committee, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, 2000- to 2014, Sudan.

[3] Member of the committee for the admission to the MSc program in Computer Science, University of Al-Neelain, 2002 to Now,Sudan

[4] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of IT & IS, PortSudan Ahlia College, 2006, Sudan.

[5] Member of Faculty of Education Council, University of Ash Sharq (1995-1997), Sudan.

[6] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate (1997-2005)

[7] Member of Al-Neelain University Senate Academic Advisory Committee (1998-2005)

[8] Member of Post Graduate Council, Al-Neelain University (2003-2005)

[9] Member of the Committee which Designed the Degree Structure for Department of Computer Science, Red Sea University, 2004, Sudan.

[10] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Gaddarif University, 2006, Sudan.

[11] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information system, Guran Al-Karim University, 2006, Sudan.

[12] Member of the Committee which, Designed the Degree Structure for Department of information Technology, Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 2002, Sudan.

[13] External examiner for MSc thesis (University of Khartoum, Sudan Of Science & Technology, Gazira

[14] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum, 2011, Sudan.

[15] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2005, Sudan.

[16] External examiner for Department of Computer Science & information Technology, Computer Man College, 2004, Sudan.

[17] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2006, Sudan.

[18] External examiner for Department of Computer Science, Sciences and Technology College, 2005, Sudan.

[19] Internal examiner for MSc thesis, Al-Neelain University, Sudan

[20] Faculty advisor for the computer studies. Ash-Sharq Ahlia College, Kassala State, 1997 to now Now, Sudan.

[21] Chair of the Award Committee. Dept. of Computer Science ,White Nile College, 2002 to Now, Sudan

[22] Reference letters for several candidates applying to various positions in Computer Sci.


Software Development Experience

[1] Designed and developed of the well known  system SES (Students Evaluation System) which is common in almost all universities. e.g.

  • University of Al-Neelain.
  • Ash Sharq Ahlia College.
  • University of Gaddarif.
  • University of Kassala.
  • University of Sinnar.
  • University of Shandi.
  • WHITE NILE University
  • Red Sea University
  • PortSudan Ahlia College

  Role: Designer and Developer,

      Development Tools/Environment: FoxPro, DOS/Windows98.

[2] Design and Programming of the simulator system which determined the current curve of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[3] Design and Programming of E-Exam system of the Sudan secondary school certificate.

[4] Systems Analyst, programmer and supervision  of implementing computerized system in many organizations in Sudan.



[1] 2nd International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (e-learning Africa), 28-30 May,2007, Nairobi, Kenya.

[2] International Education & Information Conference, 18th – 20th May,2005, Organized by Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Amman, Jordan.

[3] International Conference on Scientific Research   Outlook in he Arab World and The New Millennium : Science & Technology, 24-26 April,2000, Organized by The University of Sharjah, UAE.

Academic References

[1] Professor Awad Haj Ali Ahmed
Department of Computer Science
University of Al-Neelain, Khartoum, Sudan


[2] Professor Izzeldin Mohammed Osman
Department of Computer Science
Sudan University Of Science & Technology ,

Khartoum, Sudan


[3] Professor Izzeldin K. Amin

   Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan

[4] Dr Mohsin H.A. Hashim 
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,

University of Khartoum, P.O. Box 321,

Khartoum,     Sudan