• wed college Congratulations to colleagues Dr. / Alnzeer Abdullah Adam and Teacher / Ahmed Mohammed Hamad on the occasion of their marriage


    Congratulations precedes our wishes on the occasion of marriage colleagues Dr. / Alnzeer Abdullah Adam and Teacher / Ahmed Mohammed Hamad, and wish them a happy married life and ِAlaah bless them

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  • Appreciates the white Nile college of science and technology manage the large role played by the secretariat of student affairs active Participation in higher education festival for the fourth student


    Appreciates the white Nile college of science and technology manage the large role played by the secretariat of student affairs,active Participation in higher education festival for the fourth student creativity to universities sector east at the university of sinnar,and the college has conquered

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  • congratulate the municipality of student affairs the students who wons medales in higher education festival for the fourth student creativity


    congratulattes the municipality of student affairs the students who wons medales in higher education festival for the fourth student creativity for universtities sector primarily at the university of sinnar and students who are achiveement

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  • As a result of the great achievement made by the college in its participation in the creativity of student sector east festival chairman of the board of trustees professor/Samani Abd ulmutallab decided to motivate all students participating in the festival


    As a result of the great achievement made by the college in its participation in the creativity of student sector east festival primarily at the university of sennar and the belief of the board of trustees of the college of the need to revive the cultural creativity and sports, social and reverse t

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  • Thank for allah Almighty reached Kosti Dry Port advanced medical equipment for the coming of the Kingdom of Bahrain for the first container, and the second container was shipped to Kosti Dry Port as well, and this is considered as good news for the students of the White Nile and its neighboring States.


    Thank for Allah, reached Kosti Dry Port advanced medical equipment for the coming of the Kingdom of Bahrain for the first container, and the second container was shipped to Kosti Dry Port as well, and this is considered as good news for the students of the White Nile and its neighboring States.

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