• White Nile University celebrated in its buildings in Kosti today the 25th anniversary of the founding of its "Silver Jubilee" September 25, 1999 - September 25, 2024, in the presence of Professor Qamar Al-Dawla Abdul Muttalib, Vice Chancellor of the University, Dr. Essam Muhammad Ahmed Al-Badri, agent of the University, deans of deanships and Faculties , university professors, employees as well as students.


    White Nile University celebrated in its buildings in Kosti today the 25th anniversary of the founding of its "Silver Jubilee" September 25, 1999 - September 25, 2024, in the presence of Professor Qamar Al-Dawla Abdul Muttalib, Vice Chancellor of the University, Dr. Essam Muhammad Ahmed Al-Badri,

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