Faculties News
  • The Deanship of Students has distributed the Health Insurance Fund Coupons on the students.


    To insure its partnerships with partners; White Nile University together with the Health Insurance Fund authorities, the Deanship of Student’s Affairs has distributed the H I F coupons on the students who had applied to get membership to benefit from the services provided by the fund.

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  • The White Nile University is present, at the 22nd version of the Pediatrics Conference undergoing at The Friendship Hall Khartoum Nov 17th -20th


    Dr. Limyaa Ali Mustafa; Dean of the Faculty of Medicine White Nile University participating at this conference representing the university at: The 22nd version of the Pediatrics Conference undergoing at the Friendship Hall Khartoum Nov 17th -20th

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  • The Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, White Nile University participated in the 5th Computer conference.


    The Faculty of Computer Sciences and Information Technology White Nile University participated in the proceedings of the 5th Computer conference. The White Nile University was presented by a delegation of three: 1. Dr. Mohammed Hassan Ahmed. 2. Mr. Abdel Bassit Mohammed. 3. Mr. Mahala El Zain Bra

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